Can I Register Marriage In Mumbai If I Marry In Hyderabad ?

Marriage is a relationship which lasts for your whole life and even after it. In addition to happiness as well as planning a wedding, it’s just as important to have the marriage legalised by the laws of the country, hence leading to a marriage certificate, which would be mandatory for any joint initiatives the couple does, for example buying a home or acquiring a marital visa to travel.

Protocol for Registering a Marriage

A marriage certificate is a legal document confirming the union of two persons. The  Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or the Special Marriage Act, 1954 are the legal Acts which govern marriages in India and provide for the marriage registration.

Though, in most cases people are aware that marriage registration is a legal obligation, but generally they are unfamiliar with the procedure for the same. The procedure for marriage registration could be initiated by online as well as offline means, which have been explained below-

Online registration for a marriage certificate

Marriages can also be registered through an online medium, which is preferred as not only it saves time, it is less troublesome. One has to follow the steps mentioned hereunder in order to apply for marriage certificate online-

  • One would have to open the respective State Govt’s portal
  • Then he will have to search for the form regarding marriage registration
  • The details as required in the form shall be filled without any mistake
  • The form would then have to be submitted after filling the details

After the form has been submitted, the marriage registrar will summon the applicant on a certain date and time. The parties must be present at the office of the marriage registrar at such time with the required documents. Two witnesses are also required to be present at the marriage registrar’s office, who were there during the wedding. 

Offline registration procedure for marriage certificate

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

  • Couples which are married as per the Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or Jain traditions and belong to these communities, will apply for marriage registration under the Act of 1955. 
  • The couple applying for the marriage registration  would have to visit the office of the Sub-registrar under whose jurisdiction such marriage was solemnised. 
  • A marriage would be considered to have been completed as per the Hindu traditions an be valid if it has been completed with the customary practices and rituals of either of the parties.

Special Marriage Act, 1954

  • As per the Act of 1955, all citizens of India can have their marriage registered under the Act of 1954. 
  • If a couple applies for court marriage as has been provided under this Act, a certificate of registration will be issued by the marriage officer after the completion of the process of the court marriage.
  • A period of 30 days is provided for any objection for such marriage application as per the law, if no objection is  raised against the marriage application, the officer will issue certificate to the couple after the solemnisation of the marriage. 
  • The whole procedure can be also be completed without following any of the customs. 

How to file for registration?

  • A marriage could be registered through both online and offline procedures.
  • An online registration of marriage can be done in major cities in the country. 
  • For a marriage procedure offline, one will have to apply for registration in the office of the sub-registrar under whose jurisdiction the place where such marriage was solemnised falls.

Can a couple register their marriage anywhere in India ?

In case a couple got married in one state and wish to get their marriage registered in another state, they can do so if they have all the required documents necessary. 

They will have to furnish the required documents proving their marriage before the concerned authority. For further information on the subject, it is advised that you seek legal opinion of an expert. 


It is important that you have your marriage registered in order to legalise it. If you wish to register marriage in mumbai or court marriage in hyderabad or in any other city, you are advised to seek the legal guidance or assistance from an experienced advocate.

Lead India offers you a team of experienced lawyers who have been successfully helping couples to have their marriage solemnised or getting their marriage registered in the court. Therefore, in case you wish to talk to a lawyer or seek free legal advice online in relation to court marriage registration Mumbai or in the city you are, you may contact us. 


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court marriage in hyderabad, registered marriage in mumbai, court marriage registration Mumbai


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