
Showing posts from August, 2022


Hiring a court marriage lawyer could be a huge task if you are seeking one. A court marriage lawyer could assist you with the documentation and the procedure for the court marriage, before hiring one, you could seek recommendation from your friends, relatives, colleagues etc. or you could also search online for a lawyer for Court Marriage In Delhi .  For legal advice or assistance for the procedure of  Court Marriage In Mumbai or your own city you could contact us at Lead India as we offer you a wide pool of experienced advocates, who have been handling the court marriage cases for many years now and deal with any surprising situation. Before hiring a lawyer, you need to check a number of things, from the lawyer’s professional experience in handling the related cases to success rate and fee, following points have been mentioned, which could help you while hiring a lawyer for Court Marriage In Patna or your city-   Confirm whether the lawyer is able to represent your matter effective


When it comes to buying or selling property, sometimes people avoid appointing lawyers. They may find the additional cost unnecessary. However, dealing in real estate, especially in the commercial properties could be very confusing, as there are various laws and regulations which are almost impossible for a layman to understand all at a time.   You may spend months acquiring the property or finalizing the whole procedure only to have it dropped due to zoning disputes or any environmental issue. A trustworthy Property Lawyers In Ghaziabad would ensure that the whole legal procedure is properly followed and your interests are not harmed in any way.  Why a legal team? Buying, selling or developing a commercial property is no simple feat. There are various steps to a commercial transaction from construction, financing, environmental issues in drafting the deal etc. also, various laws are required to be followed to ensure that the deal is valid.    An experienced Property Lawyers In Gu

How To File A Divorce In Delhi With Child Custody?

According to the Indian legal system, the divorce process generally begins with the filing of a divorce petition. In India, the divorce process basically starts when one of the parties files a petition for divorce and serves notice to the other party to appear in court.   The divorce petition must be filed to the family court that has jurisdiction over both you and your spouse. You must submit a custody application along with the petition. The exact grounds for divorce, such as cruelty, harassment, or anything else, must be listed in the petition. if you and your husband are not together. This information and the explanations for living apart must be included in the petition. The court must be told in the application for child custody why leaving the child with the other spouse is bad for the child's welfare.   According to the Indian legal system, the filing of a divorce petition is the crucial first step in any divorce procedure or process. The filing of the divorce petition

How Criminal Lawyers Help In Crime Free Society

There are two main factors that become a cause of crime: intolerance and poor role models. We isolate and make everyday people into sworn foes when we are intolerant. The potential for crime is here. Today's youth face a major issue with a shortage of adult role models. The young people become disoriented after witnessing numerous others nearby acting criminally in their presence .   Else they will lose their livelihood! Society now is structured in such a way as to push youth into crime for almost no fault of theirs. The only way to redeem the situation is to first replace justice with rehabilitation. Justice is not only ineffective in stopping crime, it engages in its version of it through self-righteousness. When we self-righteously punish a young man, we do not deter future crime but encourage better concealment. These facts make the way we deal with crime ineffective   The hardest step toward eliminating crime in society is to do away with lengthy sentences. When society p

How Criminal Lawyers Help You In False Cases

Serious punishments include criminal convictions, lengthy prison sentences, and high fines. You need an excellent Criminal Lawyer In Gurgaon or from other cities fighting for you if you are facing any of these charges as a result of a serious offense. No matter how intelligent you are, it is exceedingly difficult to effectively represent yourself in a criminal trial. Criminal lawyers are trained to unearth and find elements of cases that are unique. They search for elements and pay attention to arguments that can lessen the severity of a possible crime's conviction.  Their responsibility is to arrange and present the evidence such that it best supports a persuasive legal argument. Additionally, there are many legal theories at play during a trial, and a layperson won't always be aware of the precise moment at which a given fact might make or break a case. You need to understand how a Criminal Lawyer In Noida or from cities can assist you in your false case for these and othe